Tag Archives: saturdays


It’s been a quiet morning here at the Harvin residence. We’re on Day 2 of Operation Cry It Out. This morning started somewhere between 4 and 5 am. I think it was closer to 5, but everything was blurry. The crying was constant and then it would taper off, then she would wake herself up with a loud cry, then taper off again….on and on and on. For over an hour. By 6 am, after questioning everything we were doing, going into her room, rubbing her tummy, singing the melody I hum that calms her instantly, laying in bed staring at the ceiling…I was done. I went into her room one more time, Brad was in the hallway {silently begging me to give in and let him pick her up}, I rubbed her tummy {she clung to my hand and wouldn’t let go}, I hummed one more time, and then I walked back to my bed, crawled under the sheets, put a pillow over my head and cried. And cried. And cried. Hemmingway came and cuddled with me, Brad went downstairs and coped in his own way, and Zoe finally fell back asleep.

At 7 when she woke up she was as happy as a clam. I couldn’t see straight. Brad took her after I nursed her and they went downstairs for some Daddy/Daughter time. She fell asleep on him…go figure. I love that man. I really really love that man. I woke up {the second time} to our Saturday morning ritual…as if nothing had happened. Brad and Zoe in the kitchen, some Dave Matthews on and the griddle fired up for some flapjacks. By 10am Zoe was ready for her nap and so was Brad.

It’s noon now, I have worship music on quietly in the background, Zoe just woke up and she’s laughing and giggling on the floor playing with her toys {actually she’s playing with the basket that her toys are in} and Brad is still out. I’m going to let him sleep for as long as he wants to….he deserves it.

**The apple of our eyes**

Surprise Saturday Morning

5:30 am – In a sleepy haze I feel Brad get out of bed. Zoe is crying. Pacifier. Back in bed.

6:00 am – Zoe hasn’t stopped crying. I stumble out of bed to feed her. The cats follow.

6:20 am – Make sure the cats are out of the nursery. Stumble back to bed. Wide awake.

7:30 am – Zoe wakes up again. I go get her. Get back in bed. Hemmingway is whining and pacing.

7:50 am – Brad shoots out of bed, grabs a pair of shorts, yells at Hemmingway then says,

” You can write about this in your blog”

Thanks Brad. I will. =)

7:55 am – I check Facebook on my phone. The Longs are in town for a few hours. Can we meet up with them?

7:56 am – “BABE!!!!!! BABE!!!!!!!!!!! GET DRESSED! BABE!!!!! C’MON GET DRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:57 am – Jess comes running out of the guest room to see if everything is ok. Brad comes running back upstairs to see if everything is ok. I start throwing clothes everywhere getting ready.

What a fantastic surprise! I knew they were coming to Fl to leave on a cruise…but I didn’t realize that they were leaving from Jacksonville!!! How perfect!

Wait, let me back up, the Longs are from Michigan. Dave is the Director of Wildwood, the boss man, and mentor to the interns. He is an unending source of wisdom, an incredible listener, ridiculously patient, and way cooler than you assume upon first meeting him. Marie is his amazing wife who becomes “mom” to the interns. She cooks delicious food (our 1 home cooked meal every week), is also a great listener, really really funny, compassionate, and incredibly competitive. Ridiculously competitive. And they have 3 daughters: Joy, Hope, and Grace. As a whole they are an incredibly awesome family. Individually they are incredibly awesome people.

And they were in Jacksonville! This morning!!!!

We met them at their hotel and just sat in the lobby for about an hour and a half. It was awesome. We talked. We laughed. They “ooohed” and “aaahhed” over Zoe.

These people know me inside and out. They have seen the best of me and they have seen the worst of me. And they love me. Everybody needs people in their lives like the Longs…it’s good for your heart.




What a great twist to our Saturday morning. I’m SO glad they were able to meet Zoe when she’s this age. I’m so so so glad it’s only a few months before I’ll be in Michigan for Jason’s wedding. So exciting!

{Today = Awesome}